Coke Smith Photography & Travelogue

Expedition to Wild Thailand


Wildlife Expedition to Thailand

In the summer of 2008, my family and I traveled to many of Thailands most wild areas, reserves and national parks.  We spent many weeks trekking and exploring some of the most remote regions of this amazing country.  During the expedition we did rack up a fairly impressive species list with at least 35 species of mammals, 160  species of birds and who knows how many species of herps!  And we explored some of the most impressive wilderness left anywhere in Southeast Asia.


Thailand Locations:  Khao Luang (Krung Chin), Kaeng Krachan, Khao Yai and Pang Sida, Koh Lanta National Parks as well as Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Area and Bueng Boraphet Non-hunting Area.

Dates:  July 9 through August 18, 2008

Group: Myself, wife and 5 year old son (best travel partners ever!!!)


In addition to the images that follow, log on to our Thailand Images Galleries:

Mammals of Thailand

Birds of Thailand

Temples and Ancient Sites of Thailand

Reptiles and Amphibians of Thailand

Lanscapes of Thailand

People of Thailand



Khao Luang National Park


The primary forest gallery of Khao Luang National Park in Nakhon Si Thammarat Province.


  In and around Khao Luang, we have continually missed the zoological high points over the years including such species as the Malayan Tapir, Asian slow loris and stump-tailed macaques, but had some success with other species this year with quality sightings of Lowe’s squirrels, western striped squirrels, giant black and white squirrels and Indochinese ground squirrels.  We heard and elephant crashing through the jungle for the first time ever in Khao Luang along the Krung Chin waterfalls trail.  Our two best sightings were a Sunda pangolin (!!!!) and a stump-tailed macaque troop (Macaca arctoides) – very excited with both accounts!  Khao Luang is also an outstanding birding location and is off the beaten path enough to allow one to escape the noisy Thai crowds (at least some parts of the park allow this…).  This rarely visited park is a worth a trip if you are in the south. Although you may have to self-drive as outfitters rarely go there.


 Khao Luang has some very impressive forest galleries and is home to the largest tree ferns on the planet.


Take a look at these impressive buttress roots of this forest giant!


Cokie and Coke taking a dip in Krung Chin Waterfalls


Koh Lanta National Park

My first wild Colugo seen at eye level in Koh Lanta.


 Koh Lanta is a spectacular island. The mid-rib of the island boasts a rarely visited yet surprisingly prolific patch of primary and secondary dipterocarp forest protected by the national park (not to be confused with Koh Lanta Marine National Park).  The best entry point is on the southern part of the island.  This year we were fortunate to have quality viewings of dusky langurs (two large troops), Pallas’s squirrels, common treeshrew, crab-eating macaques and a Sunda colugo sleeping at eye level right next to the parking area.  We also had some great herpetological sightings and bird viewing there. 



Clouded or Bengal Monitor Lizard climbing a palm on the beach at Koh Lanta.


Kaeng Krachan National Park

A glorious Great Hornbill seen daily on a particularly productive fruiting Ficus in Kaeng Krachan.


No doubt one of the premier wildlife destinations in Thailand, Kaeng Krachan should be high on everyone’s ‘gotta-go-to’ list.  The best location for wildlife is near the Thale Mog (“sea” fog) viewing area near the Myanmar border – the west end of the park in and around the camping area and main road.  We were very encouraged to see much fresh guar sign along the road there but we were skunked for that species yet again (I have been trying to see a damn gaur for over a decade now in at least three different countries!).  Highlights of this location were Pallas’s and grey-bellied squirrels, western stripped squirrels, red muntjac, masked palm civet, white-handed gibbons, dusky langurs, crab-eating macaques, Malay porcupines and Asian elephant.  Although we only a few mammals, we counted well over 75 species of birds in two days – truly an  amazing birding spot!  There was a Ficus tree in full fruit right next to the camping area that had over 50 species of birds at a time on that amazing tree.  As with all Thai national parks, this is a place to be avoided during weekends and or holidays.  We had the distinct pleasure of staying there during both – sleep is evidently something not needed by the Thai and maintaining a quiet camp ground is not a priority for the rangers as the signs warning no loud music, singing, noise in general seem to be purely for decoration…..



 An Oriental Pied Hornbill taking flight from the same Ficus.  (Sivaporn Sukjaroen)


Huai Kha Kaeng Wildlife Reserve

Cokie standing next to a couple young forest giants in Huai Kha Khaeng.


There is little doubt that Hua Kha Khaeng and the other protected areas of the Western Forest Complex are the last hope for many of Southeast Asia’s mega fauna.  Consisting of primary, secondary and tertiary forests, HKK is an amazing wildlife hotspot.  We had to procure special permits to enter which needed to be done in Bangkok.  My wife being Thai made this a breeze.  We were allowed virtually any activity we wanted – with the exception of multi-day back country expeditions.  This was no issue as we were not equipped for such.  We tried to enter the southern entrance initially near Ban Mae Dee but got hopelessly stuck in about 2 feet of red Thai mud in our high profile (but two-wheel drive) truck.  After spending some time getting out of this mess we decided to spend our remaining five days up north near the reserve’s headquarters.  We hooked up with the camp host (the name escapes me but I can absolutely find out if someone needs a good guide there) who initially did not strike me as someone who knew what he was doing, but after spending some seriously intense time in the bush of HKK, it became quickly clear this guy knew the land like the back of his hand and was a very skilled tracker.  He did not speak English however (not an issue for us – wife is native and I am proficient enough.)

Highlights of HKK included quality sightings of Asian elephants (at uncomfortably close quarters – three meters behind a stand of bamboo until they smelled us and stampeded through the forest like a frickin’ freight train leaving a massive swath of destruction in their wake…), two separate herds of Banteng, tons of sambar deer and red or common muntjac (and one possible Fea’s but I am not counting it), ferret badgers, Burmese hare, hairy-footed flying squirrel, northern tree shrews, Asiatic golden jackels (along the main road), crab-eating macaques, fresh leopard and tiger sign, and many species of birds and reptiles.  The region we visited is rife with prey and there is little doubt of healthy felid and other predator populations. 



An Asiatic Golden Jackal seen along the main road to the Headquarters of Huai Kha Khaeng.


Base camp Huai Kha Khaeng during a major downpour!


Getting to the more remote sections of Huai Kha Khaeng can be a challenge!


 Thank goodness for some helpful Lahu villagers and their brand new Ford tractor!


Khao Yai National Park

Haew Narok Waterfalls in Khao Yai National Park.


The spectacular dipterocarp forest gallery of Khao Yai.


Thailand’s most famous national park by far, Khao Yai rarely disappoints.  We have been traveling there at least once a year for nearly a decade now and have always been pleasantly surprised.  This year was no different although we failed yet again to see gaur – even though we traveled 90 km to the east side of the park to a viewing tower that was “guaranteed” to produce gaur….oh well, something else to keep trying for…  The species seen this year included masked, large and small Indian civets, variable squirrels (at least three morphs), giant black squirrels, white-handed and pileated (heard on numerous occasions) gibbons, crab-eating and northern pig-tailed macaques, Asiatic golden jackels, northern tree shrews, Indochinese field rat, elephants (heard only this time).  We even came across a lounging pack of dhole near one of the water holes of the 400 buildings.  There is little question that the high point of Khao Yai (and for the summer for that matter) was the sighting of a CLOUDED LEOPARD on 17 August 2008 @ 11:30 AM on a warm sunny morning near the western entrance just past the waterfalls along the main road!  We were literally done with our amazing expedition season for 2008 and heading home to southern Thailand.  Wow – what a way to finish our trip! Interestingly, Cokie has had a really awesome wildlife experience on his birthday for nearly every year of his life:  2007 - Polar Bear, 2008 - Clouded Leopard, 2009 - Caracal!



This is perhaps the largest Ficus I have ever climbed on!


 This big bad Pig-tailed Macaque scared the heck out of Cokie!  "Daddy, daddy, a giant monkey is coming to get me!"  I told him to open the door, but it was locked!  Yikes!  Luckily we were able to get the door open in plenty of time....but who the heck locked the door!?


A close-up look at another Oriental Pied Hornbill.


Pang Sida National Park

Pang Sida's great panorama view!


We visited this park with the primary target species being gaur, yet sadly we were skunked yet again…. But we did very much enjoy our stay there.  We had a great time cruising the main road all night long spotlighting from the hood of our truck.  It was great to be in charge of the lights ourselves as some of the other spotters in places like Khao Yai leave much to be desired.  We saw some great owls and nightjars, but our mammals for Pang Sida were limited to some sambar, masked palm civet, and some Indochinese ground squirrels.  It is a very spectacular destination and we will be sure to spend more time there in the future.



 We had a very successful night drive in Pang Sida, with Som and Cokie sitting on the hood of the truck and me driving about 10 mph through the jungle.  We missed nothing!  Even Cokie had a couple good spottings.  We caught a glimpse of this beautiful Common Palm Civet (Paradoxus hermaphroditus) hunting from this tree near our base camp.  


Bueng Boraphet Non-hunting Area

Lotus pads in Lake Bueng Boraphet.


This was primarily a birding spot but I believe it could produce some great rodent diversity if you had some Elliott traps and the like.  We had a great two days birding the heck out of this place – tons of species and quality sightings.  We will be leading a group there this December in the peak of the migration – wish us luck.


 Spot-billed Pelicans taking flight.  This is a true success story for Bueng Boraphet.  Originally these were very common birds throughout Southeast Asia.  About 20 years ago, they were virtually extinct with less than one or two being seen annually in Bueng Boraphet.  On this trip alone, we saw at least 100!


 The Pheasant-tailed Jacana is arguably the most spectacular bird in Bueng Boraphet!


Nam Nao National Park


 We were driving through the heart of the dipterocarp/pine forest of Nam Nao when we spotted this giant bull Asian Elephant grazing the grasslands at the edge of the pine forest.  I approached to get these images but was charged by the irritated bull.  Luckily for me it was a mock charge!


 Camping in Nam Nao!


Khao Sam Roi Yod National Park

Khao Sam Roi Yod is definitely a world class birding hotspot. Ponds with Great and Little Egrets are common throughout the region.


 Another gorgeous wetland on the southwest part of the park.


A very rare image of a Southern Serow (Capricornis sumatrensis) seen grazing the forbs on one of the limestone crags of Khao Sam Roi Yod!  This picture was seen by the rangers of the park.  They were very excited as none of them had seen the Serow for nearly three years!


Krabi Province

 While not exactly a reserve or national park, the limestone formations of Railey Beach and the surrounding areas of Krabi Province are fantastic natural areas.  Here is Cokie on a beach walkabout!


 A glorious Krabi sunset!


Here are some more images of our expeditions to Wild Thailand!




The spectacular Tung Salaengluang National Park waterfalls located in the area of Nam Nao National Park in north-central Thailand.



A Binturong resting away the heat of the day (cap.).



Good ol' Tamiops mcclellandii scurrying up and down one of our very own trees on the Promluk property, located just outside Khao Luang National Park.





Throughout our travels in Thailand, we have seen at least six or more color morphs/subspecies of the Variable Squirrel (this one is Callosciurus finlaysonii bocourti).  This one was spotted in an amazing natural spot - Lumpini Park in downtown Bangkok!






The all-white color variant of the Variable Squirrel seen in Khao Yai National Park.







Low's Squirrel (Sundasciurus lowii) is another common squirrel species seen at mid to low elevations throughout southern Thailand.








On that same amazing fruiting Ficus in Kaeng Krachan, we saw so many species of birds (at least 50!) and mammals (at least ten!), including these feasting Grey-bellied Squirrels.



The Giant Black Squirrel is another common squirrel species seen throughout Thailand.  Their size is shocking when first seen in the wild!



A Giant Black Squirrel jumping through the forest canopy at Khao Yai.



The Malayan Porcupine is perhaps one of the more commonly seen rodents in Thailand (aside from the Norway rat!).  These were seen during one of our night drives in Khao Yai, but we saw many on other national parks and reserves throughout Thailand.


We have seen many different species of herps in Thailand.  We nearly ran over this spectacular White-lipped Pit Viter (Trimeresurus alboabris) while it was crossing the road in Khao Yai.


Water Monitor Lizards are very common virtually everywhere in Thailand!  While we did see many in the wild at most locations, this one was photographed in the canals of Bangkok (Thonburi)!


Never assume that falling leaf in the forests of Thailand is actually a leaf!  It could be the Black-bearded Gliding Lizard (Draco melanopogon) or one of its many relatives!


The sound of the Smooth-backed Gliding Gecko (Ptychozoon lionotum) is startling to say the least!


Wild Siamese Crocodiles are virtually extinct with perhaps less than 20 remaining! (cap.)


This Dusky or Spectacled Langur was seen playing in the trees during a trek in Kaeng Krachan National Park.


Phayre's Langur (Trachypithecus phayrei) can be seen in the central wilderness areas of Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Reserve. (cap.)


The sounds in the morning made by the While-handed and the Pileated Gibbons (this one is the White-handed) is an amazing way to start the day!  This one is contemplating his day's activities no doubt.


 Just hanging around... 




Crab-eating or Long-tailed Macaques are by far the most common primates in many of the reserves and parks we have visited, especially in the south.  This one in Koh Lanta is warning me to get back!



Phu Wiang National Park is an amazing spot.  While there is supposedly some good wildlife spotting in the area, we were only lucky enough to spot this Phuwiang-a-saurus!  Getting to this national park is half the fun!  "Just follow the power lines...."



Camping expedition to Nam Nao!



A Masked Palm Civet taking a look at us through the forest at Khao Yai.



A spectacular fan palm species in Krung Chin.



A fern with early morning dew in Khao Luang National Park.



A giant Mahoutia carabid beetle seen on the forest floor of Khao Yai.




I am not sure but this caterpilar sure seemed like it could have been a toxic species...


The impressive limestone formations of Khao Sam Roi Yod National Park in southern Thailand.  Southern Serows are sometimes seen here.


A giant garden spider in Huai Kha Khaeng!


This little boy is amazing.  When he was tired, he asked our guide to cut some banana leaves to make a bed.  He lied right down and was asleep in minutes.  We were waiting in a make-shift blind for some Banteng or Green Peafowl to come by (they eventually did!).  Most kids his age would be whining and belly-aching; Cokie toughs it out and does what is necessary and actually seems to really enjoy himself.  I guess it is because this has been his life from the beginning and he simply doesn't know anything different.


This was one big bull!


One day while driving the main road in Khao Yai, we spotted this giant bull Asian Elephant grazing in the forest and ripping the Liana from the canopy.



This was my first wild Asian Elephant!  We were trying to see them and spent days searching but finding nothing but recent sign.  And then during our first night drive, we talked our driver in to heading down the road toward Khow Yai's Haew Narok Falls to enter a more promising habitat for elephants and sure enough we spotted at least 13 that night alone!  Our driver was terrified and it took a lot of nagging in order to convince him not to bolt!


This Sunda Colugo (Galeopterus variegatus) was seen in Koh Lanta National Park.


Asiatic Leopards (cap.) are rare indeed but can be seen occasionally in Kaeng Krachan and Huai Kha Khaeng.


Sambar Deer are common in virtually every reserve we've visited in Thailand.  This fully mature bull Sambar was seen during one of our many night drives in Khao Yai National Park.



I have yet to learn the exact reason for the rub marks and lesions on the necks of these female Sambar Deer.  Evidently only the wild deer have these lesions.


Red Muntjac are another common cervid species.  This one was seen in Khao Yai.


Hog Deer (Axis porcinus) were once common in Thailand but now can only be seen in a couple wildlife reserves. This bull was seen in the Wat Umon Wildlife Area near Chiang Mai.


A female Hog Deer seen at Wat Umon.


Wat Umon is the only place in Thailand to see the nearly extinct Eld's Deer (Cervus eldii).


We have seen many wild Banteng in Thailand.  In Huai Kha Khaeng, we came across at least two herds with over 50 individuals.  Hearing them stampede through the forest was spectacular.  This one was photographed at Wat Umon Wildlife Area.


A Banteng Bull (dark color) at Wat Umon.


I was overjoyed to see these Dhole (Cuon alpinus) just hanging around on the road near our base camp in Khao Yai!  At first I wasn't sure what I was looking at but the allowed us to approach close enough for a good viewing that lasted at least 30 minutes!





This Northern Tree Shrew is one of three species in Thailand.  He was poking around our campsite in Khao Yai.




Cokie pretending to be a Great Hornbill in Huai Kha Khaeng's visitor's center.




An arboreal Mudskipper seen climbing one of our mangrove branches in Koh Lanta!  Spectacular little booger - about three cm long!



Another Mudskipper species in the mangroves of Khao Sam Roi Yod National Park.



A large Leaf-mimic Frog seen at our very own Promluck Gardens!




A Common Oriental Toad seen mom's front yard in Nakhon Si Thammarat.


Black-headed Woodpeckers were commonly seen during our treks at Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Reserve.  At times we actually saw over ten to fifteen at a time in one tree!


Spot-billed Pelicans in Bueng Boraphet.


A wild Green Peafowl in Wat Umon Wildlife Area.


Buffy Fish Owls were seen commonly during many of our night drives in the various parks and reserves in Thailand. (cap.)


Cokie was just about scared out of his pants when this Oriental Pied Hornbill came out of nowhere and landed right next to him like this!  And then the bird nearly jumped right on top of his head!  Cokie freaked....


This gorgeous Pacific Reef Heron was seen fishing right off Koh Lanta.  He was a very regular visitor to the shore there that summer.


The parenting practices of the Little Grebe are hard to beat!  Both the mother and the father take turns caring for their brood, which is safely tucked under the wing of this parent.  There were three chicks with this family.


This image is mostly Little Egrets, but there is a breeding Great Egret (with wings spread and black feet) coming in for a landing.


This Little Egret (Egretta gar) was seen fishing in downtown Bangkok in Lumpini Park (a surprisingly excellent urban wildlife spot!).


Near Nakhon, there is a huge Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis) rookery.  These are some nesting subadult chicks in the Nakhon rookery.


This impressive Crested Serpant Eagle was a daily sight during our stay in Huai Kha Khaeng.  He was seen every morning on the same snag near the main road heading toward the headquarters.  In the evening, he was seen on another snag nightly.  He had his routine down!


These gorgeous Green Bee-eaters (Merops orientalis) were seen on a power line in Khao Sam Roi Yod National Park.



 Guar Paur!  This was our mantra during our expedition to Wild Thailand!   Every spot possible we tried (sometimes for miles and for days!) to spot wild Gaur but with no luck.  Thank goodness we will be living in Thailand fulltime soon and will be able to have many more opportunities.


In addition to the images that follow, log on to our Thailand Images Galleries:

Mammals of Thailand

Birds of Thailand

Temples and Ancient Sites of Thailand

Reptiles and Amphibians of Thailand

Lanscapes of Thailand

People of Thailand


Thailand Mammals Species List


            Common Name                                                        Numbers seen

  1. Common Tree Shrew                                                       2
  2. Northern Tree Shrew                                                       2
  3. Indochinese Forest Rat                                                    1
  4. Pallas’s Squirrel                                                             5+
  5. Black and White Giant Squirrel                                         10+
  6. Lowe’s Squirrel                                                             10+
  7. Western Striped Squirrel                                                10+
  8. Variable Squirrel                                                             4
  9. Indochinese Ground Squirrel                                             3
  10. Hairy-footed Flying Squirrel                                               1
  11. Malayan Porcupine                                                         5
  12. Sunda Colugo                                                                1
  13. Crab-eating Macaque                                                     100+
  14. Northern Pig-tailed Macaque                                            100+
  15. Stump-tailed Macaque                                                     3
  16. Dusky Langur                                                                 30+
  17. Phayre’s Langur                                                               1
  18. Asian Elephant                                                               2
  19. Asiatic Golden Jackel                                                        6
  20. Dhole                                                                            5
  21. Banteng                                                                        20+
  22. Lyle’s Fying Fox                                                               ?
  23. ferret badger                                                                  1
  24. Yellow-throated Marten                                                    1
  25. Masked Palm Civet                                                           2
  26. Large Indian Civet                                                            1
  27. Small Indian Civet                                                            2
  28. Sambar Deer                                                                  50+
  29. Red Muntjac                                                                  10+
  30. White-handed Gibbon                                                       5
  31. Pileated Gibbon (voice call only)                                         ?
  32. Clouded Leopard!!!                                                           1
  33. Burmese Hare                                                                 4
  34. Sunda Pangolin                                                               1
  35. Southern Serow                                                              1



Thailand Bird List

  1. Siamese Fireback
  2. Silver Pheasant
  3. Green Peafowl
  4. Red Jungle Fowl
  5. Common Flameback
  6. Fulvous Whistling Duck
  7. Lesser Yellownape
  8. Great Slaty Woodpecker
  9. Black-headed Woodpecker
  10. Rufous Woodpecker
  11. Green-eared Barbet
  12. Red-throated Barbet
  13. Blue-throated Barbet
  14. Moustached Barbet
  15. Coppersmith Barbet
  16. Brown Barbet
  17. Lineated Barbet
  18. Oriental Pied Hornbill
  19. Great Hornbill
  20. Brown Hornbill
  21. Wreathed Hornbill
  22. Wrinkled Hornbill
  23. Black Hornbill
  24. Plain-pouched Hornbill
  25. Rufous-necked Hornbill
  26. Red-headed Trogon
  27. Scarlet-rumped Trogon
  28. Blue-tailed Bee-eater
  29. Blue-bearded Bee-eater
  30. Blue-throated Bee-eater
  31. Chestnut-headed Bee-eater
  32. Large-tailed Nightjar
  33. White-throated Kingfisher
  34. Pied Kingfisher
  35. Black-backed Kingfisher
  36. Black-capped Kingfisher
  37. Collared Kingfisher
  38. Barn Owl
  39. Brown Hawk Owl
  40. Tawny Fish Owl
  41. Raffle’s Malkoha
  42. Green-billed Malkoha
  43. Brown Coucal
  44. Lesser Coucal
  45. Greater Coucal
  46. Indian Roller
  47. Pock Pigeon
  48. Yellow-vented Green Pigeon
  49. Emerald Dove
  50. Spotted Dove
  51. Peaceful Dove
  52. Thick-billed Green Pigeon
  53. Purple Swamphen
  54. Pheasant-tailed Jacana
  55. White-breasted Waterhen
  56. Long-billed Dowitcher
  57. Whimbrel
  58. Eurasian Curlew
  59. Marsh Sandpiper
  60. Wood Sandpiper
  61. Ruddy Turnstone
  62. Black-winged Stilt
  63. Common Ringed Plover
  64. River Lapwing
  65. Red-wattled Lapwing
  66. Oriental Pratincole
  67. Spot-billed Pelican
  68. Oriental Darter
  69. Common Tern
  70. White-bellied Sea Eagle
  71. Rufous-bellied Eagle
  72. Black Kite
  73. Brahminy Kite
  74. Black Eagle
  75. Common Buzzard
  76. Long-legged Buzzard
  77. Crested Serpent Eagle
  78. Japanese Sparrowhawk
  79. Collared Falconet
  80. Black-shoulered Kite
  81. Rufous Treepie
  82. Little Egret
  83. Chinese Egret
  84. Pacific Reef Heron
  85. Grey Heron
  86. Purple Heron
  87. Great Egret
  88. Intermediate Egret
  89. Cattle Egret
  90. Chinese Pond Heron
  91. Javan Pond Heron
  92. Little Heron
  93. Black-crowned Night Heron
  94. Black Bittern
  95. Little Cormorant
  96. Indian Shag Cormorant
  97. Asian Openbill
  98. Asian Fairy Bluebird
  99. Green Broadbill
  100. Black & Red Broadbill
  101. Lesser Green Leafbird
  102. Brown Shrike
  103. Black Drongo
  104. Lesser Racket-tailed Drongo
  105. Greater Racket-tailed Drongo
  106. Bronze Drongo
  107. Spangled Drongo
  108. White-crested Laughingthrush
  109. Large-billed Crow
  110. Slender-billed Crow
  111. Ashy Minivet
  112. Scarlet Minivet
  113. Pied Fantail
  114. White-throated Fantail
  115. White-browed Fantail
  116. Grey Wagtail
  117. Asian Paradise Flycatcher
  118. Asian Brown Flycatcher
  119. Grey-headed Canary Flycatcher
  120. Oriental Magpie Robin
  121. White-rumped Shama
  122. Common Myna
  123. Hill Myna
  124. White-vented Myna
  125. Jungle Myna
  126. Pied Starling
  127. Black-collared Starling
  128. Ashy Woodswallo
  129. Pacific Swallow
  130. Barn Swallow
  131. Wire-tailed Swallow
  132. Prinia
  133. Yellow-bellied Prinia
  134. Baya Weaver
  135. Paddyfield Pipit
  136. Richards Pipit
  137. Black-headed Bulbul
  138. Ochraceous Bulbul
  139. Stripe-throated Bulbul
  140. Black-crested Bulbul
  141. Red-whiskered Bulbul
  142. Yellow-vented Bulbul
  143. Cream-vented Bulbul
  144. Red-eyed Bulbul
  145. Black Bulbul
  146. Streak-eared Bulbul
  147. Flavescent Bulbul
  148. Grey-cheaked Bulbul
  149. Large Cuckoo Shrike
  150. Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker
  151. Brown-throated Sunbird
  152. Ruby-cheeked Sunbird
  153. Olive-backed Sunbird
  154. Copper-throated Sunbird
  155. Black-throated Sunbird
  156. Purple-rumped Sunbird
  157. Purple-naped Sunbird
  158. House Sparrow
  159. Eurasian Tree Sparrow
  160. Plain-backed Sparrow
  161. Scaly-breasted Munia
  162. Little Grebe
  163. Common Moorhen